Wednesday, May 12, 2010's even got a washing line!!!

My new house that is!. in 2 weeks i'll be in what i hope will be my final UK home, for the next 2 1/2yrs. My flatmate to be and I saw a house last night, liked it lots and went and put down a deposit for it!. its a 3 bed terrace, with an extended kitchen and a converted loft, so lots of room, lots of storage, and a patio and garden!.
I cant wait to get back into some of the things i was doing before, and adding some new skills to my list!. Not sure C realises what shes let herself in for.....mooncups(for ally!), wee wipes and food made from scratch!!.
cant wait!!.

1 comment:

ally said...

mooncups are just wrong!!!!