It's offical name is 'Sour Cream Coffee Cake', although it doesnt actually have any coffee in it. I got the recipe from an American magazine many years ago and just love this lightness of this cake. It has sour cream in it and flavoured by vanilla, brown sugar and cinnamon!. DELICIOUS!.
In other news....remember all those coins a post or 2 back?. Well i got the bags to count them out on friday and completed the task this about 10months i saved £43.78 in change....just from emptying my purse every 7-10 days!. I will bank £39 tomorrow , as the rest isnt quite the full amount for each coin bag....i'll add to those and bank them, and then begin the pot all over again!. I suspect it would actually have been more than that, as i never did add back into the pot the change i used at the mega crop in Dec....maybe another £5-10?.
I have begun reading one of the books i brought over xmas....Leo Hickmans 'Yr of living ethically'. I hope this is a quick read...its very easy and lighthearted despite its important messages...i'm sitting on the sofa laughing at his turn of speech!.
......wonder if that cakes cooled down yet!.