My lovely old Volvo has died and is far to expensive to repair, even with the Captain doing most of the work.
As i dont want to carry a mountain of debt, i wont be replacing her with another car. I will now have to get used to alot of walking and using public transport.
The flow on effects are big though.....i may end up giving up my allotment, as it took me an hour to get there on the buses, and with no loos onsite, means i cant stay there for an afternoon and would have to be there for a short time before heading back to the loo!. I did joke with Jim, the neighbouring plotholder about the first time i try peeing in a bucket he'd walk past the window of the shed....he suggested i put up an 'occupied' sign!!.
If i give up the allotment, it will be at the end of the growing season, as i have vege in the ground and i'm not about to loose that to the council plough!.
I am thinking of trying to find a bike off freecycle, and which will help with some things, including going to the allotment, plus has the bonus of providing some exercise.
I keep thinking of all the things i'm going to miss about my car...the things i had planned for this year on a crafty nature will be slightly more difficult to achieve.....i may have to hire a car once in a while, and make good use of the Captain when he is in town!.
So, thank you Volvo, you did me good xx
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