Sunday, June 22, 2008

allotment, week 3!.

well not alot to share really!. i didnt go to the lottie last weekend as i had a sore throat and wanted to just get better, so tuesday was the next time i got up there. i spent an hour or so there about 730pm, which was a really nice time of enough to not get heat stroke!!. i turned over the 2 beds i started the previous thurs and started another as well as water the spuds and rose. i noticed that what i thought was a spud last week, was infact a weed, cos next to it was a spud!!!.
then i popped up last night to lay another strip of black plastic and all my spuds had sprouted above ground!!. today i've been up fix the plastic- its very windy today and the plastic is a bit airborne, and to work on the beds. I turned one of the beds a third time and weeded it, so its pretty much good to go now, plus marked and turned the remainder of beds in the half of the plot i'm going to use.
i want to get up there at least twice this week, so that next weekend, i can start planting the stuff from my living room!. some of the plants are now started to show signs of having had enough in their pots and really need to get into the ground. i just hope they'll last the week.

in other news one of my 'kidlets' turned 1 yesterday, and his big bro will be 3 on wed!. cant believe i've looked after big bro since he was 4mths old!. that means LM will be 3 in about 3 wks!.
have got some photos to take off the camera of the plot, and my beautiful rose!.
til then, cya!.

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